Embrace the Weights is proud to announce that we have created a support group on Facebook. The Embrace the Weights Women's Support Group was created for women to come together and share their stories of transformation and accomplishments due to weight training. Are you a woman that wants to understand what weight training really does for women? This group will help you lead into the right path? What about those that DO know about what weight training does for women? Then you can share your knowledge to those in the group. Everyone can learn something within this group. Members are free to post photos and videos of their transformations, competitions, personal journeys to health, etc. Any and all women can join: physique competitors, Crossfitters, athletes, personal trainers, weekend warriors...it doesn't matter. This group isn't being judged or being told that "women with muscles are manly" or "no woman should lift over 3 pounds". This is about being a woman proud of lifting and encouraging others to feel proud of their accomplishments in the weight room.
You can check out the group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/etwsupportgroup/, and as always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns about the support group or anything related to Embrace the Weights, email us at embracetheweights@gmail.com.